
Web 2.0 and Social Media (Lecture 5)

With the advent of Web 2.0 era, the technologies of social media have developed rapidly。
In my opinion, The typical characteristics of Web 2.0 is concentrate on user interaction.
Upload a video on YouTube, put a photo on Flickr, or write your own view by using the blog. All of these things do not require some special technical expertise, just need to connect to the Internet.

3D and Internet (Tutorial 5)

The combination of 3D and Internet provides us a better network environment. We can get a real experience in this virtual network environment.

I feel strongly in this regard. In China, most of online games have been to use the 3D technology to make the high quality picture. As a result of 3D technology, players can get a true feeling in this virtual environment. It can be said that virtual reality builds a virtual real world by high computer technology, in which participators have a real feeling as if in the real world.

Questions (Tutorial 4)

1. What did Alan Turing wear while riding his bicycle around Bletchley Park?
He wore a gas mask.
2. On what date did two computers first communicate with each other? Where were they?
3. What is Bill Gates’ birthday and what age was he when he sold his first software?
Bill Gates was born on the 28th of October, 1955.
He sold his first software when he was 17.
4. Where was the World Wide Web invented?
5. How does the power of the computer you are working on now compare with the power of a personal computer from 30 years ago?
6. What is the weight of the largest parsnip ever grown?
7. When did Queensland become a state and why is the Tweed River in New South Wales?
Queensland became a state in 1901.
8. What was the weather like in south-east Queensland on 17 November 1954?
9. Why is is Lord Byron still remembered in Venice?
10. What band did Sirhan Chapman play in and what is his real name?

· How do search engines rank the stuff they find on the internet?
· Who, or what, makes one page (that you might get in your search results) more useful than another one, so that it is put at the top of your search results?
· What are some of your favourite search engines? why do you like one more than others?
When I was in China, I always use Baidu to help me to do some research. Baidu is very popular and convenient search engines in China. But now i found that Google is much better. Bcause sometimes the Baidu results page is a pretty murky prospect. Also Google is an English one, it much fit for me now. I think Google is simple to use, I like it .

New Communication Technology(Tutorial 3 part2)

Along with the rapid development in digital, multimedia and network communication technology, internet has become the most important way to acquire the information for people. The use of modern network communication tools has become widespread. I have been to use those kinds of tools for 5 years. The initial reason for using these tools because I feel that is fun and I was bursting with curiosity. Moreover, most of my friends are use those kinds of communication tools. Now I find that these tools really useful for me. I am far from home now and could not stay with my family, these tools become more important for me. I always use them to keep in touch with family and friends. In additio, the use of Webcam Video make communication between each other becomes the same as face to face.
Personally,I think that the network is no privacy at all. If there are something involved in some very personal issues, please note that if you put it on the internet, it might be found by someone.
Some companies (like Facebook, Google, etc) collect the user's information is necessary. While protecting the user's privacy, these companies must do the most complete information protection.

New Communication Technology's development (Tutorial 3 part1)

This video is very interesting. The author imagines the future development of new communication technologies. First, Nokia cell phone, the chip is installed in people’s finger. Second, a now Erickson cell phone, the chip is implanted in people’s nose. In the end, a man put a fart, he says he received a fax. Although the ending is funny, but it also reflects the development of new communication technologies is inestimable. Also I think the future development of new communication technology will result in new and major leaps.

Language of the Screen (Lecture 3&4)

After this lecture, I got a better understanding of the shots. Even it is a same scene, if you use the shots in different way, it also can lead to different results. Furthermore, it can be very easy to the audience to know the purpose and what the author want to express the contents of the story if use the shots properly.

A Short History of Computing and the Internet (Lecture 2)

The rapid development of modern electronic computer technology is inseparable from the accumulation of human scientific and technological knowledge. The accumulation of this generation was built on behalf of today's "information buildings." However, we can say that computers have changed our lives. After that the birth of the Internet marks a milestone in the development of computer science. The Internet makes the whole world cyberspace.

The birth of machinery computer

The birth of computer.
After a hundred years of the workings of mechanical computer, with the rapid progress of electronic technology, computers began in the true sense by mechanical transition to the electronic age. Computer began the transformation from quantity to quality, which led to the formal advent of computer.

The development of transistor computer.
Integrated circuit paves the way for the modern computer.

Modern computer technology has shifted into brilliant.

At present, the United States as the core of the world's high-speed computer network that the Internet has been formed, Internet has become mankind's most important, the greatest knowledge. It also can be said that networking and high-speed computer networks are becoming the latest generation of computer network development.

New communication Technology (Tutorial 2)

This course is really interesting one, I am really like to learn something about new communication technology. It is a prerequisite to more advanced studies. In addition, the benefits of technology are undeniable. This course will fit you for the task ahead, I want to learn some in-depth knowledge in this respect and some new techniques. Moreover, this course is not only learn the theoretical knowledge but also some actual operation.

Communication Technology (Lecture 1)

What is communication?
It can be defined as a message, letter, or telephone call, moreover you can defined it as the act or an instance of communicating; the imparting or exchange of information, ideas, or feelings.
In the communication process, perhaps you can get a lot of inspiration, access to a lot of momentum.

What is technology?
It can be explained in the following ways:
1. the application of practical sciences to industry or commerce
2. the total knowledge and skills available to any human society for industry, art, science, etc
3. the methods, theory, and practices governing such application a highly developed technology

For the purpose of convenience of the public, the new communication technologies have played a significant role in modern society. In my own experience, I really benefit from the new communication technology. It can provide a good platform for the communication of friends and family.
QQ is a kind of software which is parallel to MSN, skype, facebook. It is very popular in China now. I have been to use it for several years. I quite enjoy its benefits. The use of video frequency system make the communication more lively. I always use it to chat with my friends and family.
I think the new communication technology is really amazing.


My best friend

The girl who has a pair of big eyes is my best friend who have the same interests with me. Her name is Vicky.
We know each other when we studied in language school(GE 3). Between us it have a lot of the things are in common, the same constellation, personality, height, and so on. Even some friends said that we are like twins.
I am very happy that I can find such a like-minded friends in Australia , I hope our friendship can be everlasting and unchanging.


My online game

This is a online game which i really like to play when i was in China. It is a Q-version of the design style, fashion, trendy, alternative, avant-garde eye goal words, supplemented by real-the beautiful screen with 3D-style production, showing a full music and modern dance, full of virtual city!
The mainstream through a mouse + keyboard mode of operation so that each player can easily Fun "Dancing block" and create their own unique dance, access to the game's unique music and dance fun!


Funny cats in are here!